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[화요 칵테일] 꽃얼음과 함께 즐기는 화요! Flower Ice Cubes with HWAYO


화요에 봄을 담는 방법 🌸🌼🌺

식용꽃을 넣어 얼린 #꽃얼음 과 함께 화요를 더욱 향긋하게 즐겨보세요.

TIP. 물을 끓여 식힌 뒤 얼리면 더욱 투명하고 예쁜 아이스볼을 만들 수 있답니다 🧊


How to infuse spring spirits into HWAYO 🌸🌼🌺

Enjoy your HWAYO to the fullest with flower ice cubes made with edible flowers.

Tip. Want to make clearer and prettier ice cubes? We recommend you boil the water, then let it cool down before freezing it 🧊❄


#화요 #HWAYO #FlowerIceCubes #FlowerCocktail

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